

Studio Ghibli's Plans For Kokuriko-Zaka Kara (From Up on Poppy Hill)

Kokuriko-Zaka Kara (From Up on Poppy Hill)

What is Studio Ghibli's present situation, and what are their future plans for their current production, Kokuriko-Zaka Kara, in the wake of last week's earthquake and tsunami?  Toshi Suzuki broke the silence yesterday on his radio show.  Defiant and confident, he declared, "We will do what we should do now."  According to Suzuki-san, both he and Hayao Miyazaki have decided on three major points:

1) Production of Kara will not be delayed or postponed.  They are still committed to their July 16 release date.

2) The computer work will now be around the clock, with a second team working from 8:00pm to 8:00am.  Rolling blackouts have stopped production on the computers this past week, prompting the studio to work doubly hard to meet their deadline.

3) Studio Ghibli will remain quiet until the current crisis has safely passed.

Suzuki-san also announced the date for the Kokuriko-Zaka Kara press conference - March 28.

T. Ishikawa, our Tokyo correspondant, elaborates on Suzuki's remarks during his radio program:

According to Suzuki, he was objected to by many people who say "It (Kara press conference) is inappropriate for this situation." But Suzuki says "I will carry it out. All Japanese motion pictures are damaged now. Probably many people want to know how Hayao Miyazaki thinks about the Japan earthquake. I asked Miya-san for attendance. Then Miya-san said 'I see, I will think what I say while working.'"


beyond said...

I'm sorry, my English was not good.
People object to a press conference in this situation, because as you know many events are canceled now.

By the way, NTV aired making of Kokuriko a bit tonight. Probably someone up it on Youtube.
I guess Ghibli announces theme song of Kokuriko on March 28.

Daniel Thomas MacInnes said...

Your English is perfectly fine, there's no need to worry. I edited the post to clarify your intentions.

Can somebody track down the NTV show on Kara? Hopefully, it will find its way on Youtube, so if anyone can provide a link, that would be terrific. Gracias!

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